Home sweet home....or not? Given the circumstances, our homes have completely changed their meaning over the last week. Our homes went from not just being a house but being a school, gym, park or office. It went from "eh I'll clean next week" to scrubbing every inch not just once but whenever someone touches it (or is that just me 😂). There's no doubt that what we will encompass over the next weeks, months and even years will drastically change how we "live" our life. This will create new routines and comfort zones and new prejudices (no one better cough now😷) BUT I think this time will also teach us what we can and cannot live without and really appreciate what we have already.

To be honest, when news started to come out in January about this virus, I was not concerned. I was like 99.9% of the population thinking it will go away, it's like the flu and that it probably wouldn't even hit here. My husband, however, had a hunch that this was going to explode everywhere and started us on the path of making sure we were prepared. It felt delusional, to say the least, when it all did in fact start to effect us here. So while we all adapt to our new normal (monopoly anyone?), I hope you don't mind me still writing and creating for all of you. I may even stroll down memory lane to talk about some of my favorite past projects (like this one below). Some client projects are wrapping up and the ones in the beginning stages have been pushed out to start in April (hopefully). But in the meantime, being able to provide some distractions or even inspiration to you is the best I can hope for!
So, I signed my husband and I up for the One Room Challenge to redo our master bathroom. This is a chance for designers, DIY'ers and anyone else to showcase their talents and transform any room of their choice. I feel like this will give us motivation to complete some of our own home projects, or at least get started! Just to note, us designers are our own worst clients and cannot make a sound decision on anything in our own home so this should be interesting 😂. I am trying to go about this just like a client project and those always begin with inspiration photos, usually found on Pinterest.
These are my top two inspirations for my master bathroom. The left is Studio McGee and the right is an unknown source. So far I have selected some potential wall textile (not wallpaper), flooring, and some colors to paint our vanity and walls:

Are we shocked that some blue will be showing up? 😆 I think I've come to realize that blue is my absolute favorite color to design with. Blue brings a calm and serenity to any room and for me it reminds me of the ocean. I mean who wouldn't want to be sitting by the ocean right now??
Remember these two projects? Well one is my personal master bedroom from our old house but painting our barn door BM Gentleman's Gray was the best decision we ever made! Guys, don't ever be scared to play around with color, especially with paint since it is the easiest thing to change!
So tell me-is anyone getting into home projects? It doesn't have to be too involved either maybe just some furniture rearranging or accessory switch outs! Send them my way and if you'd like I can share on BDesign'Ds Facebook page!
Stay healthy friends, we will get through this!
*Beginning a project and need help? From consultations to full service residential design, I can help you create your dream home! Click here for services!