I find as I go along in my business journey that there are a lot of misconceptions about what an Interior Decorator does. Not to be confused with Interior Designer because whether some people want to admit it or not, there is a difference! Interior Designers are more in the throws of room layouts (which walls can come down and kitchen cabinet layout), they study building codes and electrical codes and are able to literally design your house from top to bottom. Interior Decorators bring your home together with color, finishes, furniture and accessories. Don't think though that an Interior Designer walks away after designing the layout- they DO do the decorating as well! Also for the record, there are a TON of Interior Decorators that on paper or education they technically are not an Interior Designer, however, they DO get involved in layout etc. The terms Interior Designer/Interior Decorator are so intermingled these days that no one really cares to know the difference. They just want their home to be beautiful, welcoming and most importantly, a reflection of them.
Which brings me to my point...what does an Interior Decorator actually do besides shop all day?? Isn't it funny that people actually think it's just "shopping"? Yes, that is a portion of it but lets examine how we get to the point of knowing what to shop for.
A little over a year after beginning my business, I was finally getting clients that were not friends and family. Not that I do not appreciate the friends and family that let me help them BUT to get "real" clients is super exciting. It was March 2017 and I got my first website inquiry! EEK! I was asked to call "Laura" to possibly help decorate her family and sunroom. While speaking on the phone Laura politely says "Oh, I should tell you I just purchased a large sectional...and its green." Not a problem I say, we can work with it.

Well, on that first consultation I saw just how large and how green the sectional was. It was the focal point of the room and took all the attention! Another thing I noticed was how bare it all was in this massive space. Laura stated that they have lived here for 6 years and rarely go down there because they have never figured out what to do with it and find it cold and empty (which empty it was!)
Then off this family room, is the sunroom that looks out onto their glorious backyard that has a pool and awesome outdoor pool house and dining area!

My mouth dropped when I saw this space! Literally a blank canvas to work with! Laura told me that they were thinking of taking out the stone wall (gasp!) or painting it! I said "let's work with it the way it is. Let's see what I can come up with" So she kindly agreed to put her trust in me to make these two rooms a place where her friends and family can finally enjoy and relax in.
So skipping all the way home, well not really because she lives 45 minutes away so that would take a LONG time haha, I had all these visions of how these rooms would be decorated-the endless possibilities! First to go though was the paint color. Laura and I both agreed that it was just too yellow (if you follow me on instagram you know how I feel about yellow walls), so I came up with some wall color options and we both decided that Benjamin Moore Edgecomb Gray was the perfect fit! With the paint color selected, I got to work on the 3D design layout. It took a few days but here is what I came up with:
Family Room (oh yes there's a big bar down there as well!)


Now came the time to present it all. Presentation time is when we show the client our vision along with a color palette, fabrics, furniture and accessory selections. Laura was excited about it all and then came the time to go shopping! (Note: we in the business call it Sourcing). For her furniture, being they have 3 kids in the house, I selected a Sunbrella Performance fabric that is perfect for anyone who wants to enjoy their furniture and not worry all the time about those unfortunate accidents that can happen to the best of us! This fabric is durable and does not fade in the sun. Any moisture spilled beads up and can be easily wiped away. If it's good enough to withstand outdoor elements, why wouldn't you put it inside?! Their patterns are just gorgeous as well!
After selecting all the furniture and accessories here is the final result of the family room!

The family has Greek roots and love the beach so it was only natural to bring a coastal theme into these rooms! Blue and green go so well together and the cream of the rug and chairs add a softness to the room. Add in some wicker and coastal decor and it's a room that everyone can feel comfortable in! The blue and white striped Serena and Lily ottomans added the perfect touch! (My OCD wants to move the chair closer to the table where it should be in this picture hahaha)
Now onto the sunroom!

So the original floor plan didn't work as well as I thought but this came out so much better this way! Again, going with the coastal theme the blues and warm wood are gorgeous together! The mirror I found hidden behind other mirrors in a corner at Home Goods, along with the lamps, the console table is from All Modern, the rug is from Wayfair and the arch lamp is from Target!
I recently visited Laura's house to discuss other projects we have up our sleeves and every time I come down the stairs and see just how different it all looks, the excitement is uncontainable. Laura says that now they love to entertain their family and friends down here. It has become their favorite place to unwind and spend time together!
That everyone, is EXACTLY what Interior Decorators do. We take your empty, cold spaces and turn them into warm, inviting rooms that you no longer are embarrassed about. We take your life moments, your styles, your treasures and combine them together for you to enjoy them on a daily basis. We provide you with a vision that you may have a difficult time seeing or putting together on your own. We may not have the paper education Interior Designers have but we educate ourselves every day. 3D designs are self-taught, we get certified in color so we can see those pesty undertones that you may not. We are constantly staying on top of trends and timeless classics so when you ask what would work together we can confidently tell you exactly what.
Most importantly though, we make your house a HOME and we do it because we love seeing the joy on your faces! We invest so much of our time into every project that there are no words to describe the happiness and satisfaction we feel when you love your home!
Just in case you were wondering.....
Until next time friends,