Hello everyone! I feel like I just wrote a fall decor blog but yup, that was already a year ago! I hope everyone with children have happily returned them to school-with the exception of us moms with Kindergarteners! I was doing ok until I saw both kids get on the bus and noticed how small my youngest looked. I literally lost it balling my eyes out as soon as it pulled away! I am happy to report though that they are both transitioning into the new school as best as we could hope for. Kids are so much more resilient than us adults! If you didn't know we moved, you can read all about it here!
Fall Decorating

The beginning of school brings my favorite topic to blog about-Fall Decor! Well anything Fall gets me excited since it is my season. After a hot summer, there's nothing better than being able to open the windows, breathe in that cool, crisp air while drinking hot coffee (or tea) in fleece leggings and an oversized sweater. Since we begin to spend more time indoors I wanted to emphasize on the items that bring us warmth during these cooler months- blankets, candles and layers. I wish I could cook because I'd give you recipes as well but I think it's best I leave that up to Pinterest!

Cozying up on the couch with pillows and throw blankets smelling candles or a fire nearby is one of my most enjoyable things to do. I can never have enough blankets. That statement I am very sure my husband and kids can confirm since I have throw blankets in every room! I need them actually because I cold easily in the summer and I love just throwing one around my shoulders. If you look closely at the above picture you can see more than one blanket.

The bedrooms are the best to layer up for those chilly nights! Duvet covers, quilts and blankets can cozy up any bed-bring on the cold weather!
Table Setting

So for my table setting this year, I kept it simple for a few reasons. One, less is more in my world. Two, I have been craving simplicity since moving and three, my cloth napkins and napkin rings have seemed to have gone missing. Guys, I cannot find them ANYWHERE! Yes, I have about 10 decor boxes still unpacked but I opened all of them and had no luck! My other placemat sets are with them as well. This is what happens when you hit that last day of packing and being just so over it that you start throwing it all in one box haha! So please forgive that part and I promise you all if I DO find them I will send you updated pictures that include them. I found these cute gold-rimmed worded plates at Hobby Lobby last year and this is the perfect time of the year to bring them out! Layering them over either colored or white plates creates a "fancy" look (even though with two young boys it's hard to keep fancy alive haha). I pulled some pieces off of faux flowers to edge each side plate but added cotton stems in my mini burlap bags for something different at the head plates. Here are a few more angles of the table:
Fresh fall flowers always make a beautiful centerpiece! The fall colors of orange, red and even purple against a white, neutral backdrop is stunning.
Shop Yourself!
So let's have fun with this! I wanted to try something different in this blog to make it easy for you to get all the great things for Fall! I made up a board of items similar to mine, if not the same with some added options, for all my subscribers to shop directly from! It does not get any easier than that! This is actually how my design consultation services work, I source for you and you get to shop it whenever you'd like! So my lovely subscribers, an email will be coming your way shortly with all the links included. If you're not a subscriber and become one, I'll send you one as well! I do plan on doing this for as many blog posts as possible because let's face it, I love decorating and inspiring all of you!

Happy Fall!!
Until next time,
*Know someone who needs decorating inspiration? Share my blog with them!